Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Day of School

As I mentioned, Monday was the first day of school here!  The school year ends in October and begins in January, as the time between Oct-Jan is the busiest season for sugar cane harvesting, with which many kids must help.
My official duties are as follows, pertaining to all grades 1-6:
-Teach Music class
-Help with English class
-Help with Computer class
-Help with Christian Education class

None of these “specials” start until February, so I have a few days to plan out my music class.  This includes daily lesson plans, and also a long rubric of objectives, activities, goals, and evaluation techniques.  Not a big fan of the latter, which is mostly a bunch of garbedly-gook to appease administrators.

Here are a few pictures of our very sharp-looking school!

We began the morning with a school assembly.  The director, Osbaldo Elias, first gave a welcome.  We also had speeches by Migde and Dina, which outlined some basic rules and expectations.  Then the teachers were introduced by grade.  When it came time for me to be announced, Migde said something about having a special guest, and did anyone know who that was?  Before he could take another breath, a boy in the back screamed, “The Gringa!!”  This, in turn, sparked uproarious laughter, and the entire moment was very humorous.

Unfortunately, I must say that after that I feel victim to Montezuma’s revenge.  I hadn’t been feeling that well the night before, but it was all I could do to stay much longer after the assembly.  I spent most of the day in bed, but I am happy to report that I am feeling better.  Now it’s time to plan my entire year of music curriculum for six grades…Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a fabulous first day! Alison, what an experience and your writing is so wonderful- I love hearing about how things are going. Your pictures are delightful and it seems like your host family is wonderful. Continue having a wonderful time. They are lucky to have you :)
